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The impact of Romulus' destruction forms a plot-theme in the series Star Trek: Picard. This film featured Romulans without the head ridges. The 2009 film Star Trek depicted the Romulan homeworld, Romulus, being destroyed by a supernova in the year 2387. (STO mission: ' New Romulus Aid ') When was the romulan homeworld destroyed in star trek?

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Its capital is New Romulus (Mol'Rihan in the Romulan language), in the Nimbus sector of the Tau Dewa sector block. The Romulan Republic is a breakaway state of the Romulan Star Empire following the Hobus supernova of 2387. Where is the capital of the romulan republic? The Republic was formed in 2409 by Romulan and Reman refugees and resistance fighters, opposed to the totalitarian, secretive 'old regime' of Empress Sela, and favoring peace with the Romulans' traditional enemies, the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Frequently Asked Questions When was the romulan republic formed in star trek?